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"Stihia is a festival of electronic music, art and science.

This year, Stihia is again in Muynak!

The breathtaking surroundings of the desert on the once full-water pier of the Aral Sea, now the ship “graveyard” – this landscape, for all its tragedy, inspires us to create new values. The revival of Muynak with the power of art, science and unity, unbreakable human spirit and hope.

Together with you, we will be able to once again contribute to the restoration of the region by discussing current environmental aspects and ways to improve the situation at the traditional scientific Stihia N+1 forum as part of the festival. We will find out how to help people who call the desert landscape of the dried-up sea their home, through the power of education and art within the framework of Stihia Gen and Stihia Arts projects.

And, of course, we will organize a celebration of life, accompanied by outstanding DJs from around the world, to prove to ourselves that rebirth begins within us, and that we are the force of nature, surging forth against all odds.

See you in sands!


Ticket release dates


350,000 UZS


450,000 UZS


550,000 UZS


650,000 UZS


750,000 UZS

Tickets Tent spot rent Group Ticket